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Happy Third Birthday!

  Happy third birthday my little love! You have continued to amaze me this last year! You have grown in so many ways. You are so clever and funny. You can be so kind to your little brother and then very sneaky if you don't get your way. You have started to express your likes and dislikes very vocally the last few months. We finally have you potty trained, for the most part. You love to climb on everything and love your family fiercely. You have wanted to help me more with things, unless it is picking up your toys. You have become obsessed with dinosaurs and still love Ms. Racheal. You surprise me more and more every day. I feel so blessed to be your mom.  We celebrated your birthday on your actually birthday with a little cake and a call to Grandpa Don. The next day we celebrated with everyone else at our house. It was a bit chaotic for me having that many people, but you loved seeing your whole family together. And I love seeing you happy.  Happy birthday buddy! I hope i...

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