You are on a roll my son

Today we went in for your two month check up. Technically you turned nine weeks old yesterday, but I digress. You weighted in at 15 lbs. 5 ounces and were 24 1/2 inches tall. Because of the COVID-19 virus only one parent could go in so your dad had to sit in the car, he was not happy about that. We had talked about how to immunize you before all this stuff started. We decided that we wanted to spread out your vaccines so you would not be getting four shots at a time. It would also allow us to see what allergies you may have had if any to a certain vaccine. The doctor that we met with was not very happy and cautioned me against spreading them out due to extra exposure to the virus. After talking with your dad on the phone we decided to stick with our original course and only got two shots today. It is never easy to know if you made the right decision as a parent and I just pray this time we did.

Another interesting thing happened while we were at the doctor's office, you rolled over! That is not suppose to happen until you are around four to six months old. I was shocked and so was the doctor! No more Boppy naps for you kiddo.

This virus has your dad and I worried. Not only for you but for your grandparents and your great-grandmas. It seems to impact the older generations more, but can still infect everyone including you, your dad, and me. We have taken extra precautions by not going out and having our groceries delivered. I promise we are doing everything we can to protect you my little love.

Also, in case you are curious, your first ever band-aid was a Spider-Man one.

P.S. You also starred in your first video.


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