Five months old

You are growing so fast! I keep wondering what the fall will bring this year and wonder how am I going be away from you seven hours a day. That is if I even go back to work with this new rise of COVID-19 cases. 

Here are a few facts about you right now:

• You currently have two teeth on the bottom. They hurt me occasionally. 
• Your favorite game is stinky feet. It is very simple, I grab one of your feet and go, "Oh, stinky feet!" I don't know why but you love it.
• Your Jolly Jumper is your favorite toy still.
• You love your puppies and your trying to understand how to pet them.
• You are awful at napping and only sleep well when I drive you around. 

On a more somber note, your dad and I are not doing well. Being couped up together these last few months have been difficult. If we are not together it had absolutely nothing to do with you. I think we love each other best when we see the other with you. If we are together it is through the grace of God and because we love you and really do love each other. I know many people say love is all you need, but that is simply not true. There is a lot more that goes into a marriage. 

Just always remember we love you best of all.


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