Happy First Birthday and Happy Valentines Day!

Okay, so there really isn't a reason why this post is going up so late. I just didn't get to it until now. I could argue that is it because you have been demanding a lot of my time, but that is still no excuse.

You turned one! It was not the first birthday I imagined for you. There was no big party or gathering because of Covid. Instead, we had a Zoom birthday party. There was a part of me that was sad because I wanted the big party and the pictures and all the presents for you. But after thinking about it I realized I didn't have to share you that day. I got to snuggle you and give you kisses, play with you and laugh with you, and just spent the day with you and your dad. I was able to make you your smash cake which you loved. I got you some books and a Lovevery subscription and your dad got you your first soccer ball. Hopefully next year we can have something a little more traditional.

Valentine's day was very peaceful. We just hung out all day and played. I am learning to appreciate these slow moments with you. 

You are beginning to get an interest in reading now which makes my heart so happy. You will bring me your little board books and stand there while I read them to you. It is the sweetest thing. 

I have been lucky enough to get a Covid vaccine appointment this week. I am still slightly nervous about getting it, but I am more worried about bringing something home to you. 

I think that is all the updates for now. I love you so very much!


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